
Friday, March 12, 2010

Ten more!

In the last couple of days we have received ten more postcards!! This is so exciting, I don't think a day has gone by where at least one postcard wasn't in our mailbox!

First up....Switzerland!
This is from a young boy name Ludovic...
Like Jack and I, this little guy is collecting postcards from all over the world with his dad!  This picture is Delemont City in the french talking part of Switzerland!


This card is from's a mapcard, showing northern Algeria and the main riches of each location!
The woman who sent it loves the Fennec's so cute with it's huge ears!!  See him in the area labeled Laghouat??  I like him too!


The next postcard is from China, and it shows Chongqing, in the central business district.  The young lady who sent it is a high school student and lives in Chongqing.  The postcard also says Happy New Year in the upper right hand corner!


Our next postcard came from's from a Taiwanese young man who is volunteering for the Belize government!  It's a picture of Belize City, former capital and home to a fascinating blend of cultures.


Next up, Germany!  It's got many pictures from the country, with a picture right in the middle of one of the most famous castles there, Castle Neurchwanstein!  It's beautiful!


The next 2 are from Tasmania!  The first one shows the Tasmanian Brush Tail Possum...the woman who sent it said she has about seven of them living underneath her house!  They are nocturnal, so they have a habit of having races on her deck in the middle of the night!

The other one has a mom and joey Wallaby!  The picture was taken at a park near where she lives!

Our next card is from India. It shows a tea plantation in Munnar Hills, Kerala.

Another one from China, this one shows Yellow Mountain.  It says there is a 'rock monkey' gazing at a sea of clouds....I think I can see it over on the left, but I'm not too sure!


Our only postcard that came today is so cute, it's from has a boar on the front, digging his nose in the mud...
it says "lebensqualitat ist eine Geschmacksfrage!"
It means "The quality of life is a matter of taste!"  I think that's very true!
The woman who sent it works at the postoffice and is able to get some really great of the three stamps on it is about 3" x 5"!!!  It's a picture of historical race cars, and it's very colorful!  Jack loved the picture of the boar AND the stamps!!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Five more today!

Today we came home from a field trip to the fire department and found five more postcards in the mailbox!! 
First up...Ireland!

This one is of West Cork...don't know if you can see it in this picture, but the best part of the card is the picture on the's a guy at what looks like an old fashioned gasoline's really dispensing Murphy's Irish Stout into his cup!  LOL!  I also love the pictures with the rainbows and castles!!

This one is from Poland...Bialystok is the city shown in the pictures...Branickich is a palace (presently housing a Medical University) surrounded by a lovely park!


This one is from Taiwan!  The picture is of "Chuanfan Rock"....Chuanfan means 'sail' in Chinese...The rock is shaped like a sail!  It is located in Kenting.


This is from Italy!  The picture is of Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice! 


And lastly, another one from Poland!

It's of Ojcow National's Polands smallest National Park.  The picture in the circle is of Hercules’'s a limestone formation and is what people come to see the most in the park!  There are also many caves!!