
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

6 more postcards to share with you!

This last week, we have received 6 more beautiful postcards!!  I hope you will enjoy them as much as we have!

The first is from the Netherlands!
This picture is of a person sailing on the ice!  Jack thought that was pretty cool, seeing as he's only seen boats in the water!  The person who sent it said that in Holland, where she lives, if it's a strong winter, you can see this!!

The next card is from Canada!

It's a picture of the Royal Canadian Mint at sunset!  That's quite a building!!  It makes all of the coins for Canada, as well as for 50 other countries as well!  (That includes the USA!)  The Olympic Medals were made at the sister plant in Ottawa!

The next one is from Guatemala!!

This is a picture of the Quetzal, the national bird!  It is so beautiful!  The resplendent quetzal is an aptly named bird that many consider among the world's most beautiful. These vibrantly colored animals live in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America where they eat fruit, insects, lizards, and other small creatures.

The next one is from Kazakhstan!!

This card shows the beautiful mountains of Kazakhstan...they are very close to the city!  Zailiysky Alatau is a 4000m+ peak situated in the Tian Shan range running between Almaty and Lake issyk-Kul. This region is paradise for trekkers, with various trails cutting through a region filled with glaciers, rivers, steep valleys, nomadic herders and panoramic views. Zailiysky Alatau is located near Küngey Alatau, another 4000m+ peak of Tian Shan. Alpinists and mountaineers may also be interested in summiting the mountain.

The next beautiful postcard is from St. Vincent and the Grenadines!

It's from the St. Vincent and Grenadines Carnival!  It looks like it's so much fun!  Check out the official website for the carnival at


Our last one is from Taiwan!
Jack really liked this one, it's a beautiful drawing of a train going over a bridge!  Jack loves his trains, and he thought this one was really neat!